High School Students to Benefit from ICT and Entrepreneurship Project

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students from Alliance High School together with the samsung C&T vice president demonstrating the use of computers at the innovation centerAlliance High School is among the schools that benefited from an ICT and Entrepreneurship project by Samsung C&T (Construction and Trade) in collaboration with UN-HABITAT, Global Peace Foundation and the Community Chest of Korea.

The project dubbed “Innovate Kenya” was recently at a colorful event held at Alliance High Schoolwith the aim of improving livelihoods of youth residing and working in Nairobi’s slum areas.

The launch of Innovate Kenya will promote the processes of transforming education in Kenya by integrating ICT solutions in providing quality education suitable for students in the 21st century.

“Integration of ICT in education will provide students with resources to enable them research and share knowledge,” said Mr. Kariti.“The Ministry is ready to support programs like Leap Hubs to develop and nurture talents among the students,”he added.  Mr. Kariticalled upon other stakeholders to partner and ensure that no child is disadvantaged in receiving quality education in the country.

In his speech, the Vice President of Samsung C&T, Mr. Yoo-Suk Kho also highlighted the relevance of integrating ICT in education.

“Korea has greatly benefited from this strategy and we hope Kenya will emulate the same. The world is moving so fast interms of technology and what is needed right now is for ICT and Education to go hand in hand  to bridge the wide gap between what is offered in schools and what the market needs,” he reiterated.

The project will facilitate the renovation of 3 Leap Hub spaces in 3 schools and 3 Youth Centers in the community and also provide 10 computers to each of these centers.

Leap hubs is a program of GPF that has established incubator spaces in schools for small groups of talented students to be exposed to entrepreneurship and leadership while Youth Centers are ICT centers based in the community directed towards improving youth access to ICT infrastructure.

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