AI powered language teaching chatbot LangBot Named Winner of Seedstars Addis Ababa

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LangBot, a language cheating chatbot has been selected the best startup at Seedstars Ethiopia for its gamified and AI powered language teaching chatbot opening doors for it to participate at Seedstars Summit, in Switzerland.

LangBot beat nine other startups to emerge the winner. SRE brings the power of online education to the offline world came second and ZayRide, a smartphone app that provides on-demand taxi, ambulance and delivery services, grabbed the last spot in the top 3. The other startups invited to pitch were Mak-Addis Tutors, ​Meda MessengerSemayDocs, and smsCrush,

Seedstars World next stop is Lagos, to select the best startup in Nigeria. Seedstars World is looking for smart startups that solve regional issues and/or develop profitable products for the global market.

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