Best Free Period Tracking Apps

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You honestly don’t need to mentally torture yourself trying to remember your menstrual cycle when you can get a period tracker.

Technology is best used when it helps you. There are those days when you don’t remember when your periods came or even how the flow was, hence why you need a tracker. A tracker helps you track your hormones, flow and when you are ovulating so you can either get pregnant or not. It’s the best way to control your cycle without being careless.

1. Clue

If you like a simple app this the app that will make sense for you. You get reminders for when your next period will be, PMS and tells you about your fertile window. It is quite straightforward and doesn’t have a bunch of unnecessary features on the app.

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2. Flo

This app gets as personal as tracking your sleep routine, your nutrition, how many steps you took during the day and even your sex drive. It is perfect for someone who would literally keep using the app. It also has a password, so no one can just get your health information.

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3. Eve

It is one of the most colourful apps if that is your kind of thing. I guess it’s interesting because of the emoji-laced notifications, and every log is a colorful drawing rather than plain old text. It is fun to use and entertaining at the same time.

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4. Period tracker

This is a very simple app to use. If you don’t care about having a colourful app or an entertaining one, then this one will do the trick. Period Tracker is a straightforward calendar where you can add everything by day. It can end up looking like the world’s most detailed day planner, this may work well for people who prefer planners as for their everyday use.

Image result for period tracker

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