Facebook Users To Enjoy Direct Photo Transfer To Google Photos With New Data Tool

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Facebook in partnership with Microsoft, Twitter and Google have signed an MOU to introduce a data-sharing tool to allow its users to upload their media in bulk to google photos through a data transfer project between the four corporations.

Currently, saving photos from facebook to google photos is only possible if you download them in the gallery and upload them to google photos which is a tiresome process.

While social media still serves its core purpose on entertaining people, social networks have become the go-to cheaper marketing channels for product sellers and consumers.

According to Ryan Erskine, a former  Forbes contributor on entrepreneurship, he sites that 65 per cent of people see online search as a source to trust with information about people and companies. Most consumers and businesses, especially smallholder businesses rely on social media every day to make ends meet.

In the US, according to statistics by statista.com as of 2017, it was noted that 90 per cent of businesses in the US were using social media for marketing their products as well as services.

While most of these businesses sell products, most of them have tons of pictures which if there is a possible way to share them directly from facebook to google drive it will save their time.

With this new feature, it will be a great aspect especially for business people to save their pictures and easily send them to their customers for review or close down purchases or track order without the save and upload process.

Also, this will save on data consumption for users on mobile data while maximizing on usage. downloading and uploading data takes up much compared to direct sharing which is just one click away.

Last year, Instagram took to the forefront to allow its users to share media to other social media platforms.

However, this move was in regards to the regulation by the European government data protection bill, users are free to share their data or save their memories elsewhere and not capped to Instagram alone.

In September this year, WhatsApp came up with a similar feature that allows its users to share their statuses directly from the application to Facebook stories without logging out, rewriting or copying the status which is one sure time and data saver.

Facebook was reluctant to introduce the feature, it has now put it into consideration as they are set to roll it out first in Ireland, its headquarter country before it rolls it out worldwide in the first phase of 2020.

Although the bill was introduced by three senators namely, Sen.Mark R Warmer(D-Virginia) Joshua Hawley (R-Missouri) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut), all other nations in the world have benefitted from the “make data portable campaign” across all networks.

The access act bill was to allow users to carry all their facebook data to any other platform which would give smaller platforms a chance to attract new users or followers to promote competition. In the bill also, the users would get control over the data they share according to Engadget.com

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