Facebook is Testing a Feature to Allow Users Cross-Post stories to Instagram

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Facebook is testing the option to cross-post Stories to Instagram. If rolled out fully. The cross-posting feature could save social media managers and average users time while letting them maximize their views on the content they create.

It could also give a little boost to the total Stories available on Instagram. So that its algorithm has more to choose from when ranking what it shows first.

The sync between Facebook stories and Insta stories will help users save tons of time taken to post in the stories separately.  and avoid showing you exact copies of ones you’ve already seen.

Following a post by Jane Manchun Wong, a reverse engineering expert and one of the notable twitter device leakers announced that Facebook is working on crossposting stories to Instagram.

She adds, ” This was something Facebook is pilot testing as part of simplifying and improving how Stories work across apps. The stories will be visible for 24 hours as is on the normal stories”

You also have the option to share the story for public viewing, friends only and custom viewing. You can as well hide it specific contacts and lastly share on Instagram option.

Creating two-way interoperability of Stories is a part of Facebook’s efforts to unify its Messenger apps. This includes  WhatsApp and Instagram Direct chat features. That could extend end-to-end encryption across the apps, protecting messages from prying eyes.
According to Tech Crunch, a  Facebook spokesperson had told them that the company is now formally testing the cross-posting feature to make it easier to share moments with the people who matter to you.
Additionally, there are a number of people especially influencers and marketers. Who have different audiences and followers on Facebook versus Instagram. Facebook will continue to explore options for simplifying and improving how Stories work across its apps. Currently, the feature on an internal-only prototyping phase and is on test with selected users.


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