How to Check your MPESA statement Online

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In Kenya, MPESA has become almost a necessity for the citizens. It is an easy, fast, and convenient way of transferring money to both individuals and institutions. It also allows for receiving, withdrawing, and saving money, thus playing the role of a mobile bank. When using MPESA, like the bank, one may want to keep track of their activities for easy accountability. For this MPESA can avail a statement for its users when needed. Here is how to get your MPESA statement online.

Types of MPESA statements

When requesting for your MPESA statement, you can get either the full statement of the mini-statement. The only difference between the two being how far back the activity records go.

For the online full statement, you can only go as far as 12 months back. If you need anything more than a year’s record, you will have to visit the nearest Safaricom Customer Care Shop.

How to check your MPESA statement via USSD code

For this to be successful, you will need:

  • Working internet connection.
  • Functional email address.
  • Your ID or passport number.

Steps to follow

  1. Go to your phone’s keypad and dial *234#. Make sure to use your Safaricom line.
  2. Scroll down through the options until you find ‘Mpesa Information.’ It should be the 5th option, so reply by sending 5.
  3. On the new option list, choose ‘Mpesa Statement’, which should be the first one.
  4. Now choose whether you want a mini or full statement. Send in 2, or 1 respectively.
  5. The new window will require your ID number. Input it and make sure it is correct to avoid any errors.
  6. The next option is to key in your functioning email address where Safaricom will send the full Mpesa statement.
  7. The last option is to confirm the email address before submitting the application.

With a successful MPESA statement request application, you will receive the full MPESA statement as an email and the mini one as an SMS depending on your choice.

How to download your MPESA statement

Once Safaricom sends your MPESA statement to your email, you will have to follow a few steps for a successful download.

  1. Sign in to your email address.
  2. Find the email from Safaricom containing your MPESA statement.
  3. When you click on the email, you will notice it is password protected. In order to proceed, key in your ID number on the provided box. It must be the same one used during your MPESA line registration. Some of the acceptable options are your National ID number, your Passport number, your Military ID, Diplomatic ID or Alien ID.
  4. Once the email accepts your ID, the statement will become accessible. You can choose either to read it online while still on your email, or to download it into your phone or computer.
  5. The MPESA statement will be in PDF form. You just have to find the download button usually at the bottom right of the PDF attachment.
  6. Once downloaded, the PDF statement will still require your ID when you want to open it.

Other viable options of getting your MPESA statement include using the Zuri App or the Safaricom Self-Care portal.


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