Madavi Agency is a tech-focused digital marketing and custom software development company based in Nairobi, Kenya.
Since their establishment, they have become one of the leading custom web development and native mobile development companies in East Africa. Their narrow technology focus helps them to build and deploy efficient products for their clients.
They started operations in 2017 offering strictly web design which later morphed into custom software development. The initial challenges they had when starting included getting the right clients. They ventured into technology since the whole team was and still is passionate about technology and the impact it has on their daily lives across all sectors. From commuting from one place to another to chilling in that weekend for a Netflix marathon while ordering in from Uber Eats, technology has so much potential and still continues to be heavily relied on by individuals.
How small did you start and how fast did your business grow?
At first, this started off as a one man company but later on joined by friends who share the same passion and zeal for technology. Over the last 4 years, we have seen changes in terms of clientele we get and how we handle work.
Currently a team of 9, started by Victor Ambuyo who later on was joined by his friends-cum-classmates, Daniel Kimani and Marcos Maliki. All were pursuing undergrad in software engineering at the Multimedia University of Kenya at the time.
What online resources do you use to help make your work easier?
We use an array of tools to ease our day to day operations. From Hubspot to align customers lead engagements to social media tools like hootsuite for marketing, we integrate all these to align communications both internally among the team and external communications.
From where you started, what makes you stand out as a company compared to your competitors?
Madavi is made up of fairly young individuals who have in the past worked in different high level environments within their respective professions. We have also embraced design thinking in our work production processes which ensures we build high quality products for our clients that will prove beneficial to them.
Do you think further technology advances will impact your job? If yes, in what way?
Further technological advancements will definitely impact our jobs. Currently, we have 100+ programming languages which keep growing in numbers and as a tech company, we have to pick out a tech stack that will help us achieve our clients’ needs precisely within the shortest timelines possible. Further improvements within existing systems that are used by individuals will mean as a company, our focus will shift to providing novel solutions and dedicate less time to fixing issues that will not be existent anymore.
How do you keep your technology skills current?
Our team is made up of tech enthusiasts, business people and creatives who are always on the forefront reading tech news and trends. We also attend seminars, conferences and summits we gauge relevant to our business. The tech sector is one of the fastest growing industries globally. However it doesn’t mean new is always better and sometimes the trends we experience get shelved faster than they came in.
For someone who has passion to venture into technology business, what 3 things would you advise before starting up?
Have a resilient spirit of never giving up; you will get more than enough encounters that push you to.
Have a reliable team that will stick with you even when the times are hard
Be open to learning; it’s the only way to grow.
5 years from now, what do you think would’ve changed positively about Madavi agency?
Madavi Agency aims to change the business landscape by providing custom solutions that fit into individual company cultures and are easily usable by company’ personnel.
We aim to be the pioneer software development company solutions provider that uses design thinking methodologies with a market share of 25% across East Africa.
What would you advise first time clients when it comes to purchasing goods and services in technology companies?
They should do research whether the product or service being provided adequately covers their needs. This will help them to avoid purchasing products they don’t need and save money too.
Any expansion plans either locally, regionally or internationally?
We want to venture into partnerships with both local and international companies both in the tech and corporate space to leverage our position as a tech company.
What do you think the Kenyan government can do to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship among the youth?
Come up with more entrepreneurship workshops and accelerator programs for young people venturing into business. Inceptionalize incentives for starting companies to help establish strong stable foundations. Also support the businesses to become of age before taxations and etc.
Madavi Agency aspires to be a partner of choice for their partners by accelerating their success through their global technology skill set and resources.
Driven by passion and smart solutions, they help their clients build stronger, more agile and innovative businesses.
Stay updated with Madavi Agency by following them up on their official social channels;
Official Website:
They can also be contacted on: +254719856029.