6 Kenyan Facebook Groups Where You Can Sell Your Products In

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Have you been struggling to sell your products online? If you’re in e-commerce you probably tried opening a page and posting products over and over again and with no results.

As Kenyans, we’ve perfected the art of online shopping on Facebook, probably because we feel safer putting a face to the buyer or seller’s name, so to speak. Instead of suffering with online marketing you can use these very popular pages to sell your products.

1. Soko Kenya(Buy and Sell)

With over 90k members, this group is home to buyers and sellers of anything under the sun. The group has no specific niche, so any product goes…within reason.

2. Tricia’s Natural’s marketplace

Are you interested in natural hair products? A sister page of the group “Tricia’s Naturals,” which gives tips to women with natural hair, this group sells natural hair products and accessories to Kenyan women all over the country.

3. Used and New Household Items in Kenya(UNHIK)

Perfect for young people moving out for the first time, this group will have everything you need to start a life. Gas cylinders, beds, washing machines, curtains, beddings, you name it.

4. Nairobi Expats Marketplace

This group mostly caters to expatriates who are about to leave the country and want to sell their household items. Kenyans are able to get the items at fair prices, and most times the items are of good quality. Talk about a win-win!

5. Soko ya 1000 bob or less

With over 400,000 members, this group’s aim is to accommodate buyers with a budget of 1,000 or less. This rule may not be set in stone, but the prices do not go too far beyond that range.

6. Kilimani Mum’s Marketplace

The name may have earned a bad reputation from its mother page, but the group itself is quite efficient, and it would be unfair not to mention it here, given its over 900,000 members. You can find anything from home appliances, to furniture, to electronics.

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