Communications Authority Of Kenya Has Put Two Mobile Operators On Notice For Violating Quality Of Telcom Services

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Communications authority of Kenya has put two mobile operators on notice for violating quality of telcom services.

Airtel and Telkcom are in trouble for not meeting the minimum 80% threshold on quality of calls across 33 counties.

The two telcos have been accused of violating the quality of telecoms services on their networks. In a survey conduced in 2020 Airtel scored 52% in the survey while Telkom scored an average mark of 73% while Safaricom dominated with a 92% overall mark in the survey.

Quality of the calls.

As many users have been complaining about the quality of the calls the CA issued a statement said:

In its report, CA said:

“As Airtel’s and Telkom’s performance did not meet the set target of 80 percent for voice services they were issued notices of non–compliance that require the firms to improve their quality of services in the country in compliance with the set threshold,”

“The Authority is evaluating their performance again in the 2020/2021 assessments for confirmation of compliance with the requested improvement.”

What are the telcos laws?

The law requires all telcos operating in the country to follow all requirements on quality calls and avoid service outages as much as possible. Failure to that, the firms will risk a fine of up to 0.2% of their revenues, which could run into hundreds of millions.

The survey indicates that Airtel subscribers in Kajiado, Kiambu, and Narok have been experiencing the highest number of outages and service disruptions during calls. In other counties like Kwale, Laikipia, Nyadarua and Murang’a, the firm scored the lowest (20%) of the three firms.

So there is no doubt that Telkom and Airtel will have lots of work this year to improve their quality of service.

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