When you take a screenshot of a window on your Mac, it also captures the shadow of the window. It looks great, but it might not be ideal if you share a screenshot online or for work. Although the drop shadow adds a visually pleasing border, but more often than not, the effect makes it more difficult for screenshots to align properly in documents and webpages due to the shadow around them.
- First, use the Command+Shift+4 keyboard shortcut to take a screenshot of a window.
- The window will be chosen. Presently, hold the Option key when you press the Left Mouse catch to take the screen capture.
- When you’re in your desktop you’ll see that there’s no shadow on the screenshot!
Use the Terminal command to disable shadows on all window screenshots
- Open the Terminal app
- You can do this by clicking on Cmd+Space to search for Spotlight. You can find it in the Launchpad, too.
- paste in the following statement, after this click the Return/Enter key.
defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool true
- To save the preference, paste the following line and press the Return/Enter key.
killall SystemUIServer

- And this is it. Your window screenshots won’t have a shadow anymore!
- If you want to reverse this change in the future, please use the following lines of code.
defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool false
killall SystemUIServer