Vodacom DRC And Mondia Launches A Maternal Health Service That Will Help Mothers Navigate Motherhood

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Vodacom DRC and Mondia have launched the rollout of the mum & baby maternal health service across the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

If you’re a tech savvy mummy we assume you’ve probably used a maternal app before that gives you relevant guidelines during your pregnancy. The guidelines usually include maternal, neonatal and child health information that are especially useful when you’re a first time mother. Mondia has tailored content in the DRC local language that will help Congolese mothers navigate motherhood. The information will include expert articles, videos and information-sharing SMS messages.

The new app will also let mothers know when they are due, will issue and immunization calendar, medication reminder. medication safety information and other health services that will be available in French.

According to research:

The Mum & Baby service provides positive socio-economic benefits in the geographies in which it operates. In a recent KPMG survey conducted to understand the impact of the Mum & Baby service:

  • Over 95% of respondents reported that they found the SMS messages received useful or very useful for learning new information about their own and their child/children’s health and wellbeing
  • 98% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they had taken actions to improve their child’s health as a result of the information provided through the Mum & Baby service; and
  • 98% of pregnant women and mothers surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that they had taken actions to improve their own health as a result of the information provided through the Mum & Baby service.

Dr Amadeo Rahmann, Mondia’s Group CEO, said of the partnership, that:

“Accessing healthcare services in Africa can be challenging, and Mum & Baby provides a free and convenient way of accessing instant expert advice where it is most needed. The Mum & Baby service leverages Mondia’s extensive networks and expertise in content production and curation, and we expect it to continue to deliver positive social impact wherever it is rolled out.”

“Ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing for all ages is one of the United Nations (UN)17 Sustainable Development Goals, with the attainment of this goal, especially as it relates to infant health, having been threatened by the burden of COVID-19 on African healthcare systems. According to the World Health Organization, each year around 300 000 African babies die on the day of their birth, most often as a result of inadequate educational maternal and neonatal care. Initiatives that put the power of good health directly in people’s hands are more important than ever”, Dr Rahmann concluded.

“Mum & Baby has become our flagship health and wellness brand focusing on motherhood. We are proud of the way in which it contributes to our vision of building communities, bringing health solutions to more lives and promoting good health outcomes” said Vodacom DRC’s spokesperson.

Launched in South Africa in 2017, the Mum & Baby service had 1.2 million registered subscribers as of August 2018. The next rollout of the service will take place across Lesotho later this month.

The DRC Mum & Baby service can be accessed here.

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