Koolboks focuses on making refrigeration in Nigeria reasonably priced and accessible for everyone.

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Koolboks aims at making refrigeration an easy and reasonably priced experience for everyone. Koolboks has three products: Koolhome refrigerators, Kareboks refrigerators, and Koolboks coolers.

Koolhome refrigerators.

Gaining access to a steadfast refrigeration process is a hustle for the majority of households. Numerous people opt to use Solar Home Systems for the provision of lighting. It is even harder for them to use their refrigerators when there is an absence of power. KoolHome focuses on finding a solution to this by use of Koolboks. Koolboks use patenable technology which is grounded on the availability of water and sun. It provides cooling even when there is irregular power or a complete absence of power. The refrigerator gets a power supply from standalone Solar Home Systems or community “mini-grids”.

The demand for energy supply increases during nighttime. This is because many households use light bulbs, TVs among many others. Koolhome refrigerator detects the changes and adjusts the source of energy to the cold storage solution. This solution is found in the refrigerator. Battery usage is completely eliminated. However, the Koolhome refrigerator delivers the same purpose overnight. This is the same case even when there is an irregular supply of power or absence of power.

Compared to regular refrigerators of the same size, the Koolhome refrigerator saves energy as high as 75%.

Kareboks refrigerators

Many of the essential devices in healthcare services critically need an electricity supply. This is necessary for everyday tasks to run effectively. These errands include electric lights, equipment for communication, refrigeration among many others.

Research indicates that in developing countries, the electricity supply is unreliable. This is the same situation in health care facilities thus making it more life-threatening. Koolboks has a frugal innovation which has been applied in Kareboks.

In one device, there is a development of a solution that serves 3 significant needs required by providers of healthcare. These needs are refrigeration, light, and energy. They do not necessarily work when there is electricity loss or loss of power.

During minor surgeries, detachable LED lights are to be used.

Minor devices are charged using the USB ports.

A smart Intelligent temperature control system is used. It makes sure that temperature is maintained averagely between 2-8°C always. This avoids the freezing of vaccines.

Low energy, pocket friendly and environment friendly refrigerant is provided.

GSM network coverage is the only required for operation

All these devices are put in payment terms that are flexible.

Koolboks coolers

The aim of Koolboks was to provide better cooling solutions for many households. There was also a focus on ensuring that the households enjoy other services. Services such as playing music, charging phones, provision of lighting are among Kool bok’s agenda. The Koolboks coolers have benefitted and enabled numerous smiles. Koolboks has made it possible for refrigeration to be accessible in Africa. The lives of many people have gained a positive impact thanks to Koolboks.

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