How to send money into your Prime Bank Account via MPESA

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Using our PrimeMobi service, you can send money from your Prime Bank account to a registered M-PESA user in Kenya. Funds can be transferred online from your Prime Bank account to any person in Kenya who is registered for M-PESA using this service.

Customers of Prime Bank can instantly transfer money from their MPesa to their bank account; the process is fairly simple.

Here’s a guide to send money to a bank account via mpesa:

  • Navigate to your Sim Toolkit and select the M-PESA option.
  • Then, from the menu, choose ‘Lipa Na Mpesa.’
  • Select the ‘Pay Bill’ option.
  • Now, as the business number, enter Prime Bank Pay Bill Number 982800.
  • Enter the beneficiary’s Prime Bank Account Number, which is the same as your current account number.
  • Continue after entering the amount to be transferred.
  • Confirm the transaction details and press Ok. 
  • You will receive a Mpesa notification of the transaction.

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