The amount of modifications happening with smartphones is becoming overwhelming as days are passing. With the advancement of technology, phones are getting upgraded almost every month. Companies are saturating the market with the amount of modification they are making and launching a new phone with new features. With advancement the prices are also skyrocketing, the Samsung mobile phones price for instance is increasing every time a new model is coming out. This is a good thing, but consumers are getting overwhelmed by the number of options and also often end up buying phones which are not appropriate for their purpose also.
With proper storage and battery life, there are a lot of other aspects which need to be considered when investing in a good phone. You definitely want a phone that serves your purposes fully and also lasts long. The shelf life of a phone is equally important so when you focus on the other trends prevailing with the phones make sure you choose a brand whose phones have a better shelf life than others.
The technological aspects which you need to focus on this year to keep your phone’s utility top-notch are the following:
Artificial intelligence or AI.
Artificial intelligent aspects which are installed in mobiles are undoubtedly going to make your day-to-day life easier. Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, are all artificial intelligence software that is either present in your phone or you might need to incorporate in your system. This software can recognize your voice and follow whatever instructions you provide them. So gone are those days when you literally had to type things when you had to search for it on google, now you can just tell Google assistant and it will get your results in a blink of an eye.
Connect your wearable devices with your phone.
This is something you need to start doing if you are not. If you own a smartwatch or a Fitbit it is high time you start connecting it with your smartphone rather than just wearing it like a watch. These are way convenient when connected with your device. Your steps will be counted, your heartbeats, stress levels, oxygen levels, sleep cycle everything will be counted and analyzed by it.
You have heard about e-commerce for sure but m-commerce is something that you need to take full advantage of. It is nothing but the buying and selling of services or goods via mobile phones or rather any handheld objects. Ordering services or food via your phone is one of the most common uses of m-commerce that is happening currently.
You can buy a certain service, or content using m-commerce facilities, other than that, booking tickets, purchasing objects, and even getting gift cards can all be done via m-commerce easily. If you wish to buy movie tickets, now you don’t have to go and stand in the line to get them, you can look up available seats and book the tickets just from your phone using m-commerce.
Technological trends keep changing, and it is important that you keep up with them to make your life easier by their application and also to make the most out of your gadgets as well.