Tips for first-time job seekers

How to seek a job
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Finding a job is not an easy task, especially for those who haven’t worked anywhere before and haven’t had time to gain experience. Here are few tips for people who are seeking a job:

  1. Calm down, don’t fall into despair, otherwise, it will make your life even harder.
  2. Don’t rush right away to look for a job, take a little time out – rest for at least 2-3 days. During this time, you will cope with your emotions, and when your anxiety subsides, you will think about what to do next.
  3. Do not think of yourself as a person who has failed in life. And do not be embarrassed by the reason for your dismissal, because your skills and professionalism remain with you. If you were cut because of the crisis, then you do not need to be ashamed and hide it. Reduced not you as a specialist, but your position, and not only yours.
  4. Don’t feel sorry for yourself, don’t allow yourself to be felt pity by others – it deprives you of the ability to act. Free up more time to think about new plans and projects.
  5. Evaluate the situation, analyze the current state of affairs, and understand that the way out of it now depends only on you.
  6. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and accordingly form your goals, which are worth working for. Decide what is valuable to you, what you specifically want to get. You must have the determination to act because goals become real only through concrete actions. As you know, we have the resources we need, but sometimes we don’t recognize them unless we act and let them work for us.
  7. Don’t put off looking for a job until a better time. You may think that you’re still a student and you don’t need a job. Well, that’s not a try. Experience it’s the most important thing for your future career. Don’t hesitate to use do my homework for me service to help you to solve your homework. It will save you some time for job-seeking.
  8. It is best to search for a new job systematically, trying out all the possible employment options. At this time, it is very important to be confident in your abilities and to believe that your job search will be successful. The key is to think positively.
  9. Do not waste precious time on meaningless arguments that things could be very different, if only… Look at the situation from a different point of view. Even in such an unpleasant event as a job loss, you can see something positive. Finding a new job is a great stimulus for development and fulfillment. Think of it as another step forward, as a certain stage in life. Maybe it’s time for you to grow professionally or change your skills, and now life gives you that chance. Or maybe you should change your boring routine job for something you are passionate about.

       If you are a narrow specialist, evaluate your experience and try to understand in what other areas can be used for experience and knowledge. Consider the full range of offers, don’t turn down interviews. Monitor the situation on the market and adjust your ambitions and salary expectations accordingly.

In addition, here are a few practical tips for those who are looking for a job for the first time:

  1. What platforms you should use

Do not wait for offers, but start an active search. Especially nowadays you can do it without leaving your apartment. Many online platforms allow employers to post information about their open vacancies in the public domain. What could be easier than to go to the site and look through the ads in the category of interest? You can also create your resume on these sites, add information about yourself, your experience and skills, and make useful contacts.

  1. Research  

If you’re not thoroughly researching the job and the information associated with it, you won’t prove yourself right away. Carefully study what the employer wrote, and if you are going to have an interview, make sure you carefully read as much information as possible not only about the position but also about the company where you would like to work. This is especially important if you are planning to get a job in a large company, information about which is usually abundantly available on the official website. One should not be guided only by what is minimally described on job sites.

  1. Make a great resume

The human resources officer who decides whether or not to invite you for an interview will only need to take a quick look at your resume. Write briefly (not more than one page), because no one will read a detailed biography; First of all, include your contact information (including e-mail and social networks), and only then your main successes in life; Where you want to write information about education, in addition to your university and specialty, you can also write courses, if they have something to do with the duties of the desired job; Hobbies should be mentioned, if they coincide with the hobbies started with the interview.

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