10 Things You Absolutely Need to Take With You to the Dorm

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Dorm rooms become like a home to students through their academic years. This is because it is the area where they spend the majority of their time when not in class or the library. But more so because it is the space where they can unwind and be around things that give them a sense of comfort.

In this article, you will find a thorough checklist of all the most essential things a student should consider taking to their dorm rooms. Please use this checklist as per your needs, and don’t forget to take everything you deem necessary.

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Here are 10 things you absolutely need to take with you to the dorm –

1) Complete Stationery Kit

A good stationery kit comprises a wide range of essential items in getting a variety of academic work done. A fully-loaded kit usually includes – 

  • Notebooks, blank papers, cut papers, diaries, and more.
  • Writing material like pens, pencils, markers, sketch pens, highlighters, and more.
  • Technical drawing material like scales, protractors, compass, t-scales, and more.
  • Drawing and painting materials like paints, palettes, brushes, canvases, and more.
  • Also, get the appropriate holders and bags to keep your stuff organized and damage-free.

2) Complete Hygiene & Sanitary Kit

A good hygiene and sanitary kit will help keep students clean, fresh, and hygienic. A fully-loaded kit usually includes – 

  • Shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, bath oils, bath salts, and more.
  • Toothpaste, toothbrush, flosser, mouthwash, and dentures.
  • Body cream, moisturizer, lip balms, essential oils, hair oil, Vaseline, and more.
  • Deodorant, cologne, perfume, body fresheners, and more.
  • Toilet paper, wet wipe, dry wipe, sanitary pad, hand sanitizer, surface sanitizer, and more.

3) Complete Medicinal Kit

An excellent medicinal kit will help students take good care of their health and wellness by keeping the effects of injuries and illnesses at bay. A fully-loaded kit usually includes – 

  • Allergy medicine
  • Fatigue and tiredness medication
  • Nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting medication
  • Cold and cough medication
  • Body ache and fever medication
  • Band-aid, bandages, and ice packs
  • Medicinal creams for burns or injuries
  • Natural sleep supplements
  • All other (prescribed) medication as per a student’s personal needs and requirements

4) Complete Technological Kit

An excellent technological kit helps students do a lot more than taking and handling all of their work digitally. Today, technology has diversified to improve life at every level, especially for students. A fully-loaded kit usually includes – 

  • A well-equipped and fast laptop
  • A good smartphone or other mobile devices
  • A smart tablet with multitasking features
  • Electrical connectors, plug-points, and appropriate chargers for every device
  • A smart speaker or a regular Bluetooth speaker
  • Workout earphones and noise-canceling headphones
  • Storage devices like pen-drives and hard-drives
  • An electronic fitness device or watch

5) Complete Kitchen Kit

A good kitchen kit will naturally enable students to take more responsibility for their overall diet and nutrition habits. A fully-loaded kit usually includes – 

  • Pressure cooker, (non-stick) pans, and other essential utensils
  • Cutting material like knives, scissors, and chopping boards
  • Can opener, grater, lemon squeezer, oven gloves, glasses, and cups
  • Storage containers, boxes, Tupperware, and takeaway packets
  • A range of necessary cutlery
  • Utensil washing material like (liquid) soap, scrubbers, and sponges
  • Healthy cookbooks or cooking guides
  • Mini-microwave and mini-fridge

6) Complete Laundry Kit

Every student needs a full-scape laundry kit to handle all of their apparel and clothing. Dirty laundry always needs regular care. It’s always important for students to make a good and neat impression while pursuing their studies. Academics require attending seminars, presentations, group projects, workshops, and more, so students always need enough options to get dressed according to every occasion. Start with a laundry basket, foldable drying stand, detergent, fabric softener, & dirty laundry collector.

7) A Big Calendar & Whiteboard

Students need to keep track of all of their progress while studying continually. However, during grinding times, students can sometimes lose focus on everything coming up later. A calendar can help them keep track of all of their future events, including submission dates, study plans, exam dates, etc. A whiteboard can help students create blueprints and programs for all of their goals. Long-term goals can be broken down into actionable parts which a student will always be aware of and never miss.

8) Furniture, Seating, & Lighting

The easier the life of a student inside their dorm, the smoother their academic life will be. Good furniture will ensure a student always has a comfortable space to work and rest. It could include a desk, a small wardrobe, a bed, and more. Good seating will ensure a student doesn’t have any problems finding comfort in their room. It could include a bean bag, couch, lazy boy, work chair, and more. A work chair should be good, so students do not develop aches or posture issues. Lighting is essential, so students never lose sight of their things to do. It could include a study lamp, bedside lamp, emergency light, extra bulbs, and more.

9) Apparel & Accessories

Students can live in their dorms for up to four or five years. Their dorms quickly become a sacred space during their academic life. Dorm accessories can add to the sanctity of their reach. Students should always look to charm and personalize their dorm room according to their taste. Apparel and clothing are essential, so students have excellent and neat clothes to wear throughout every season. Student presentation becomes highly important as they are regularly exposed to real-life situations.

10) More Books!

Books are essential so students can continually learn and grow. Reading provides a lot of insight, so it is always recommended to have books that can impart high value. Reading can improve a student’s concentration and focus. It also provides recreation and relief so students can recuperate. Additionally, it also helps in easing symptoms of anxiety and depression early on.

To Conclude

The things a student takes to their dorm rooms can tremendously contribute to their productivity. Having familiar things around always gives a sense of calm and belonging. Similar to the feelings one can find in their homes. It is always essential to create a safe space to avoid distractions and focus on critical things.

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