Meeula Digital Inc. a leading business-tech enterprise, has come up with the Meeula smart lead generating business card; a card that employs an intelligent technology to allow you to share contact information, social media links, and a whole lot more, all with a single tap.
Tailored more specifically for professionals in the Passion Industry, as well as Growth and Partnership Executives, Consultants, E-commerce Owners, Sales and Marketing Executives, CEOs and Corporate Executives, the Meeula smart business cards is set to revolutionalise the way we connect and generate business leads.
How it works
Upon signing up and updating their digital profiles with necessary information and social media links, by simply tapping gently on the mobile phone of a potential connection, Meeula smart card users will have their digital profile launched on the phone, saving contact information and allowing them to instantly connect with you on social media, as well as send you their email address via an input field that goes straight to their dashboards, leading to the generation of smart leads.
Even as it geared up for launch, professionals have demonstrated more than substantial optimism towards the product, that finally tends to an age-long painpoint, and allows them to network more effectively, while automatically updating their contacts and mail lists, generating smart leads, and increasing their sales funnel.
The cards come in three tiers; The Economy Card, the Premium Customizable Card and the Enterprise Card for business teams. The first tier comes with the core benefits of the Meeula card and dashboard, and the Premium Customizable Cards come with special perks such as allowing users to have customized images of their choice on their cards, as well as free Meeula branded merchandise.
The Enterprise Card for company employees and teams, allows HR representatives to access special admin privileges and analytics on the dashboard, and special access to all the leads generated by employees and team members, for special follow-up. Team leads can also be availed this feature per the request of the HR representatives. They can easily register all their employees on the platform, and place bulk orders for them.
According to Founder and CEO,Emmanuel Uduebholoh ,the Meeula smart business cards represents a fine example of disruptive innovation; more so the kind that the market has not only been waiting for, but is currently poised for. The company, Meeula Digital, and the idea for the product itself, were birthed when he noticed gaps in the process of meeting new professionals and business executives at conferences, during the early pre-launch and post-launch stages of the platform when the product marketing was at its prime.
He said that he would give out the regular paper cards and repeatedly be a victim of the various flaws of the system, and when he received business cards, often he would have to painstakingly reintroduce himself to the individual, with whom he already had stimulating conversations and discussions with in the recent past. Realizing that this was by no personal fault of their own, as many of the professionals were seasoned industry experts with busy schedules, Emmanuel examined the system and highlighted its flaws, and through innovative technology and empathy, Meeula was born, and from all indications, is here to stay.
Apart from Meeula smart business cards ,Emmanuel Uduebholohe also founded