WhatsApp: sharing recordings in high goal is in Review, possibly soon on your screens

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Maybe you will soon presently don’t have to send your enormous recordings as attached documents on WhatsApp. The Facebook auxiliary is right now chipping away at the execution of a customizable setting by every user of the texting service.

Because of this setting, as of now in beta on Android, you may need to pick between 3 modes, ” automatic, “limited data,” and “best quality” when sending a video.

A beta form that should enchant WhatsApp users

Having authority over sending recordings is an element that WhatsApp is executing right now for Android clients. Shipped in a beta form, this instrument will permit you to change the settings before the likely sending of a video, which ought to alter the quality, in addition to other things, of the content received.

And for a good reason, until now, big videos were sent to your contacts as attached documents and not as videos as such, which restricted the quality of the content transmitted, compacted to make it easier to send. But this could soon be a thing of the past.

In a beta update numbered, Android users now have access to a feature to choose the quality of the video sent. Just click on “Storage and Data” in the app settings and decide which option suits you best.

Three possible choices to send your videos to your contacts

WhatsApp, to adapt as best as possible to the demand of its users and, above all, to face the competition, thus offers three sending options to choose from. The first, “automatic,” will adapt to the weight of your content. It will be sent in video format if it is light and attached document if it is too heavy. The second, “limited data,” is ideal mainly depending on the internet package available to the user. So the most solemn videos will also be compressed to avoid consuming too much of your monthly GB, especially if you have already started your credit well.

Finally, the last option, named “best quality,” this time will allow you to ship your videos without compression, even if their weight is high. This is the main innovation of this WhatsApp update because uncompressed, your video content will be received in a quality similar to that of the original recording. Practical, therefore, even if at the moment it is only a beta version. In the event of a successful outcome, this feature may well be extended to all instant messaging service users.

Enough to seduce (again) after the controversy aroused by the external storage of chats recorded by WhatsApp, particularly the fear that personal information could have been used for targeted advertising messages. Meanwhile, WhatsApp remains one of the most popular instant messaging services globally, with 2 billion users.

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