You can now make in-app purchases on Huawei’s AppGallery via M-PESA

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HUAWEI Mobile Services has partnered with Safaricom to bring a brand new payment method on its AppGallery. You can now make in-app purchases in your favorite AppGallery Apps and games, and buy HUAWEI Themes, via M-PESA for as little as Ksh 30.

Direct Carrier Billing (DCB), as it is called, allows users to make purchases using M-PESA. This means you can pay for all your favourite offerings from HUAWEI Mobile Services through DCB, which provides an efficient, smart, simple, convenient, and secure method of payment to HUAWEI AppGallery and HUAWEI Themes users.

The DCB service offers customers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • A smooth customer experience: DCB is convenient. There is no need to sign up for any additional accounts or fill out any forms. Payments are completed in a matter of seconds and provide the best checkout experience on mobile devices, where filling out forms is time consuming and cumbersome.
  • Protected consumer identity: Making payments with DCB is secure. No personal data is transmitted during the payment process so there is no need to worry about identity theft. It also always requires the user to confirm the payment on a physical device and thus makes card-not-present type fraud impossible, increases consumer trust and as a result, improves the payment conversion rate.
  • No bank account! No Problem: DCB helps unbanked customers to purchase online content and services. In emerging markets, DCB is often the only way for them to do this. Digital content and physical services merchants are increasingly relying on Direct Carrier Billing as a payment method.
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