iOS 15 automatically removes bright reflections on iPhone photos

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Apple continues to iterate on the beta version of iOS 15, expected at the beginning of the year by the general public. And it appears that the latest version (the fourth) improves some aspects of the photographic processing of iPhones.

On Reddit, a user noticed that his iPhone 12 Pro automatically made the light reflections (or “lens flares”) disappear from his shots after installing the latest beta of iOS 15.

Farewell lens flares on iPhone

Apple has never commented on or promoted such a feature. However, viewing the image shared by the Redditor appears that the reflection present on the left of the image was indeed erased after the digital processing made its effect.

On the left, before treatment; right, after © Reddit processing

“I noticed something I had never heard of,” says the user. While I was outside, I took this picture and thought it was ruined/needed retouching because of the light reflection. But when I returned home, the reflection had automatically disappeared from the photo. At the same time, it was still present in the “live photo” version, which means that the automatic image processing has become smart enough to erase the lens flares now!

In addition to this (small) novelty, iOS 15 must also introduce a redesign of notifications, a “Focus” mode to filter access to applications for a certain period, or new measures dedicated to data privacy. Its release is scheduled for the fall, and all iPhones currently benefiting from iOS 14 will be able to enjoy this new version.

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