Kenyan Woman Now Risks 2 Years In Jail After Wrongfully Withdrawing KSh 271,000 From M-Pesa

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Kenyan woman now risks 2 years in jail after wrongfully withdrawing KSh 271,000 from M-Pesa.

Have you ever sent money to the wrong person? or have you overpaid for something? when that happens you quickly try to reverse the money or sometimes you hope that the person could simply refund you. In an ideal world, people wouldn’t be so greedy and would instead be content with what they have instead of looking for quick money.

Unfortunately, when Elizabeth Karimi Muthoni received KSh 271,000 she thought it was her lucky day and probably even assumed that God had answered her prayers. But this was not 100 shillings this particular problem was caused by Mr Bakar Hussein Mohammed who while buying an M-Pesa agent account in Kitengela, mistakenly sent the float money to the wrong account.

Jail time.

Ever wondered what would happen to you if you wrongfully withdraw money? the fact that your information is there means that you could face jail time if you don’t pay back the money.

In this case, KCB Bank failed to reverse the money and Muthoni had her eye on the price and decided to withdraw some money. She was taken to court and she admitted that she withdrew some of the money, however, that didn’t favour her and instead, she’s expected to pay KSh 200,000 fine. If she fails to the money-back she could be facing two years in prison.

Although Muthoni claimed that she had a payment arrangement with Mr Mohammed the court refuted her story and she pleaded guilty to the theft charges. Long story short, before stealing any money think twice and also probably call up a few people and see who would be willing to raise money for you to be bailed out from jail.

For the readers out there, think twice before you take something you are not sure of its whereabouts. Not a great way to end the year.

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