Liquid Intelligent Technologies announces a new Asia-USA global Internet transit route via Africa

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Liquid Intelligent Technologies, a leading pan-African technology group a is proud to announce the launch of its shortest terrestrial fibre route between the East to the West coasts of Africa, connecting Mombasa, Kenya to Muanda, DRC. With the completion of this route, Liquid establishes a new global Internet transit route between Asia and the USA through Africa, avoiding high-risk bottlenecks in the Middle East and Europe. The new route will also serve tens of millions of people in Africa’s landlocked cities, towns, and villages.

This new fibre network addresses demand in landlocked countries in Africa as more businesses expand their operations within and beyond African borders

Access to high-speed connectivity is vital to ensuring that organisations on the continent can continue their digital transformation journeys to remain relevant and be part of this growing digital economy. This digital corridor passes through 847 cities, towns and villages, impacting more than 138 million people and is also a direct route between South-East Asia and the Americas.

According to David Eurin, CEO International Wholesale, Liquid Intelligent Technologies, “The current need for reliable connectivity between Asia and USA is booming. Adding this corridor to our network will help organisations avoid the Red Sea and Europe routes as they have become bottlenecks for global Internet traffic. Also, this new fibre network addresses demand in landlocked countries in Africa as more businesses expand their operations within and beyond African borders.”

In addition to available capacities between 1 Mbps to 100Gbps, Liquid will provide its customers access to all digital services in its stable, including data centre co-location, cloud and Cyber Security services. These services are the foundations for digital growth and innovation across the region. For international customers, the corridor offers a low latency path to connect Asia, Africa and the USA as an alternative to busier routes via the Middle East and Europe.

The introduction of this route will allow global carriers and content providers to transmit through Africa to other global points of presence at the lowest possible latencies (see Establishing a new corridor further reiterates Liquid’s commitment to connect every country on the continent and bring the many proven economic benefits of improved connectivity and technology solutions.

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