Chinese hackers get access to iOS 15.0.2 in seconds; Other Systems were also Exploited

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Many operating systems and browsers were put to the test at a competition in Chengdu, China. First and foremost, iOS 15 has been the target of two effective exploits, the latest version 15.0.2, which was released just a week ago.

Despite its outstanding reputation in this area, Apple’s operating system is nonetheless subjected to security tests. Apple has begun fixing its mobile OS after some weakness was discovered in the past. New faults were uncovered and rectified by Cupertino engineers with the fifteenth edition, but it appears that the poor are not out of the woods yet.

The Kunlun Lab team put on the most remarkable demonstration, executing a remote hack on an iPhone 13 Pro with the newest update in just 15 seconds. Safari is the problem, as it is so often on iOS. Without delving into specifics, the attack was carried out by a group led by the former CTO of Qihoo 360, who used an infected link to get past Apple’s browser’s safeguards. The exploit script was not written a few hours before the demonstration and took months for the team to discover the issue and design a logical strategy.

The Kunlun Lab team was not the only one to take on the iPhone; Team Pangu, which has a history of jailbreaking Apple devices, again shone, winning the challenge and the $300,000 prize. To take the stage first, a group of hackers showcased a jailbreak of the latest Apple iPhone running iOS 15.0.2, all through a link that also activated a script that exploited Safari weaknesses.

These hackers are primarily researchers, and their acts are perfectly lawful as long as they report their findings to Apple to assist in the security of iOS. Both teams stated that they would expose their hands and collaborate with Apple experts to fix exploited holes. These changes should be available in a third security update, or iOS 15.1, very soon. In any case, the iPhone OS wasn’t the only one to suffer martyrdom. During the competition, Windows 10, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Exchange were all targeted.

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