Biden completes Trump’s work, which is currently a big blow for Huawei

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United states president Joe Biden has just signed  Secure Equipment Act to stop the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from issuing a new license to Huawei. As far as this Chinese manufacturer is a subject of discussion Joe Biden is no more tolerant than his predecessor.

The US President signed the Secure Equipment Act just a few hours ago, a new measure aimed at eliminating even more telecom equipment from the US network that could represent a threat to homeland security. The Act passed by the Senate unanimously at the end of October will prevent the FCC  from granting new licenses to the Chinese manufacturer. The funny thing is that  Huawei is not the only company affected but also ZTE. Reason being: They have too close ties with Beijing and the Chinese Communist Party. In return, this means that any equipment(5G) from both parties will not be marketed in the states without the FCC’s approval.

The new law is primarily intended to close a breach in the United States’ defences against companies that could represent a security risk. Even though Huawei and ZTE were added to the Commerce Department’s Entity List, they may still apply for licenses as long as no federal monies were involved. Theoretically, they could then continue to sell their 5G antennas to American operators legally. This “loophole” is what the Secure Equipment Act seeks to close.

The FCC is determined, as Engadget points out, to cleanse the American network of Huawei and ZTE equipment that may have been deployed by local carriers previously. As a result, $ 1.9 billion( About KES 212,591,000,000 ) in aid was released at the start of 2021 under the “tear and replace” scheme. It plans to gradually replace the affected equipment with safe equipment, mainly from Nokia-Ericsson and Samsung. At the Moment, Huawei has not touched on the subject regarding its new situations in the USA after the signing of the Secure Equipment Act done by Joe Biden.

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