How to Setup a Twitter Notification Filter

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The Notifications timeline provides a quick view of how others on Twitter are interacting with you.

You can see which of your Tweets have been liked, the most recent Retweets (of your Tweets), Tweets directed to you (replies and mentions), your new List followers, and your new account followers from the Notifications timeline.

You have two options for viewing your notifications: All displays account activity notifications such as new followers, Retweets, mentions, and likes.

Why is it important to talk about and set a Twitter notification filter, or any other filter on any other platform?

Unless you’re just there for the fun of it, you’re not interested in everything that happens on a social media platform.

Let’s get started. Twitter has categorized notification groups that you can select or deselect if you want to be notified by them all the time. You will receive notifications from all of those groups by default.

They are users you do not follow, users you do not follow, users with the default profile photo, users who have not confirmed their emails, and users with unconfirmed mobile numbers. You have the option of blocking or allowing.

  • To do so, go to your account’s settings >> notifications and advanced filters. There is the previously mentioned list of groups with checkboxes to check or uncheck ( unchecked by default ).
  • You can also use the old notification filter option that Twitter used to have, which was quality filter. The quality filter reduces spam on your notification timeline automatically. As soon as you turn it on, it uses your app’s data usage to determine which notifications you receive or do not receive.
  • Using it in conjunction with the advanced filters we’ll discuss later narrows the types of notifications you receive for your security and peace of mind.
  • When you get to the advanced filters section, you must check and uncheck the boxes to suit your privacy needs. Check the images below:
How To Set Twitter Notification Filter
How To Set Twitter Notification Filter
  • Then there are what Twitter refers to as “muted words.” This feature will not block any accounts or words, but you are telling Twitter that you do not want to see anything about that name, word, username, hashtag, or anything else on your home timeline or notification timeline from anyone or anyone you do not follow for however long. (You’ll have to do that.) Look at the image below.
How To Set Twitter Notification Filter
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