Mkenya Daima Initiative 2022 was launched on 10, Thursday by the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Different stakeholders signed the Mkenya Daima leadership and peace commitment on Thursday to foster peace in the next general elections.
The initiative’s goal is to ensure that Kenya has a peaceful election and a smooth transition in August.
“Kenyans are very peace-loving in nature, however, the perception that comes out every time we are about to carry out an election, that there is going to be violence is what we need to refuse as a people,” said Shah.
He stated that the election is a democratic process and that afterward, we must return to work and celebrate Kenya for what it is, rather than focusing on the negative aspects.
Carole Kariuki, the Chief Executive Officer of KEPSA, said during the unveiling that Mkenya Daima 2022 will focus on three pillars this time: political, social, and economic.
She stressed the political pillar of leadership and governance, emphasizing the need for leaders to participate in a peaceful campaign and transition.
Under the economic pillar, the CEO said it revolves around an economy-led manifesto saying KEPSA has galvanized the private sector and created a manifesto (Economic Manifesto of the Private sector) which will mitigate all the candidates running for the presidential seats.
“This year, a lot of our attention is on effective and accountable leadership in power, to accommodate positive gain and growth prospects,” the CEO added.

KEPSA has already engaged with stakeholders, including media partners, to carry out civic education, according to Kariuki, and they are now looking forward to engaging with election organizations, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), the Judiciary, and the Security sectors.
“For a peaceful Kenya, I urge all road users, whether cycling or driving, to obey the law.” “In the event of an accident, don’t take the law into your own hands; instead, call the cops and let them handle it,” she said.
Mkenya Daima is a non-partisan multi-stakeholder forum founded in 2012 with the primary goal of encouraging peaceful elections and fostering stability, both of which are necessary for Kenya’s commercial continuity and prosperity.