Mother’s Day 2022 in Kenya: How to Celebrate Your Mother

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Mother’s Day is approaching, and what do you have planned for your mother?

Your mother is your constant in a world full of variables. Our mothers are deserving of the world. More than the entire world! They are deserving of all universes.

Here are some of the best ways to honor your mother on her special day. 

Give her a long call

If you’re far away, give her a long phone call or use Zoom to tell her how much you love her. Make a long call to her and wish her a wonderful Mother’s Day.

During the conversation, you can catch up on all the latest news, laugh a lot, and maybe even cry a little. This is one of the most effective methods to show your mother that you care, and it is completely free.

Upgrade her mobile device.

Phones have become more of a necessity in recent years, but we don’t always have the luxury of replacing them. If your mother still has that old phone, consider purchasing her a new one; she will certainly enjoy it.

Skincare products

Great skin boosts our girls’ confidence, but due to their busy schedules, they are not always able to give their skin the attention it requires. You can get her a skincare kit for Mother’s Day, which she will undoubtedly appreciate.

Treat her to something special.

If your mother enjoys eating, take her out to one of Kenya’s many restaurants or cafés. You can find something to fit her tastes in any location across the country, whether she loves casual or exquisite dining.

Give her a gift

A thoughtful gift is one of the best ways to express your affection. Consider getting your mother a piece of jewelry that she may wear on special occasions. You might also purchase her a beautiful handbag or purse.

Make her a special card

On Mother’s Day, a handcrafted card is usually a hit. You can build one yourself or get a beautiful card from the store. Make sure to include a sincere message telling your mother how much she means to you inside.

Do some chores at home

The mothers spent the entire day cooking, cleaning, and caring for their children. Why not relieve her of some of her responsibilities on Mother’s Day? Whether you assist with folding laundry or vacuuming the floors, your mother will appreciate the fact that she may unwind a little.

Give her some flowers

On Mother’s Day, flowers are always a nice gift. You have the option of purchasing a bouquet or picking wildflowers from the field. Whatever you choose, your mother will appreciate it.

Visit your mother.

If you live far away, seeing your mother on Mother’s Day may be impossible. But if you’re in the area, why not pay her a visit? It’s good to spend some time together, talk, check in on her, and just enjoy each other’s company.

Throw a surprise party

Throwing your mother a surprise party is one of the finest ways to celebrate Mother’s Day. This way, she won’t be surprised on a specific day. You might invite her friends and family to the party and present her with gifts such as flowers, jewelry, and other delights.

Please keep in mind that these suggestions are merely suggestions, and you may wish to modify them to fit your preferences and budget.

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