Netflix’s Password Sharing Crackdown: What You Need to Know

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Netflix’s highly anticipated crackdown on password sharing has been officially launched in the US and the UK.

This strategic move aims to stimulate subscription growth and boost profits amidst a decline in interest in the streaming platform. However, these measures will bring substantial changes for both account holders and individuals who rely on shared access. Discover what this crackdown entails and how it will impact you and any other users associated with your account.

Netflix’s policy explicitly states that each account is intended for use by a single household. While it is permissible for multiple individuals within that household to have their own profiles, using an account associated with a different household is not allowed. The definition of a household is somewhat ambiguous, according to Netflix. In practical terms, it refers to individuals who reside at the same address, ensuring compliance with Netflix’s rules, which are based on location.

However, this does not mean that Netflix can only be used within one physical house.

The company encourages users to enjoy the app outside of their homes, such as while travelling and offers features like downloading content for offline viewing to accommodate such scenarios.

Although the rules restricting Netflix accounts to one household have long been in place, the notable change is that the company is now actively enforcing them by removing individuals who they believe are not part of the household associated with the account.

What does the crackdown entail? With the new measures, Netflix will employ various tools to identify instances of account sharing across households and prevent such usage. This detection will primarily rely on checking device IP addresses and other identifiers to detect irregular usage patterns that suggest a violation of the rules.

If unauthorized usage is detected, Netflix will restrict access to the account. However, they will provide alternative options for users to regain proper access.

Over time, Netflix anticipates some cancellations from account-sharing users. However, tests have shown that many of these users eventually return, resulting in a net increase in paid subscriptions. This positive outcome is a driving factor behind Netflix’s decision to proceed with enforcing these rules.

What are the options for account sharers? Netflix offers two options for those who have been sharing accounts:

  1. “Transfer a profile”: This option allows the individual sharing the account to create their own separate membership. Their new membership will retain their watch history and other data, ensuring a smooth transition.
  2. “Buy an extra member”: This option allows the person to remain on the account but requires a separate payment. It is a more cost-effective solution compared to purchasing an entirely new login, with prices set at £4.99 in the UK or $7.99 in the US.

What about account owners who share their accounts?

For those who lend out their accounts, Netflix is not actively pursuing action against them. However, Netflix encourages account owners to monitor and manage the account’s usage. This can be done by accessing Netflix’s settings, where options to sign out devices and change passwords are available.

You may be wondering what happens if you travel a lot, right?
If you find yourself using your Netflix account outside of your household, there’s no need for major concern. You can continue to do so, although you may receive occasional warnings from Netflix, especially if you’re away for an extended period.

During the implementation of these changes, Netflix acknowledged receiving feedback about users receiving warnings due to their travel activities rather than actual account sharing. The company has addressed this issue in the latest version of the monitoring technology, ensuring a more accurate detection of account logins.

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