9 Alternatives to Regular Light Bulbs

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Invented by Thomas Edison, the lightbulb changed everything. However, who could have guessed the price of electricity would go through the roof 100s of years later? 

Alternative measures have since been made to save energy and reduce the amount of electricity used. This means looking for much cheaper ways to keep the lights on. Click here to compare energy saving options when looking for utilities companies to suit your energy needs.   

9 Alternatives to Use Instead of Regular Lightbulbs

Regular light bulbs are incandescent lightbulbs that have been around since the 1800s. Since the 1990s, other types of lightbulbs have come into existence. With the UK energy crisis biting everyone in the pocket, people have started looking for alternative measures to keep the lights on. 

Here are alternatives to using regular light bulbs for energy-efficiency and cost saving. 


These LEDS are used to replace older incandescent light bulbs as they last longer and are cheaper to use as they use less energy that older light bulbs. 

The light that shines from an LED bulb is less harsh then a regular bulb which means that you aren’t dealing with high wattage and super bright bulbs.  

Natural Lighting  

Using natural light such as the sun and moonlight can work just as well instead of turning on a light. Depending on the space which you want to light up. Using natural light can be used alongside light bulbs. 

Natural lighting is not only beneficial to lighting up a room and saving electricity but it can also aid in providing vitamin D especially for people who spend most of their time indoors. 


This can help you feel more productive during the day, and take away any feelings of tiredness. It is cost effective as you simply need to open up windows and let the sun shine through. To make use of the sun, install more windows in the areas that you want lit up. 


Depending on how the moon shines, it can be bright enough to light a dark room. Install a skylight in the areas that want the moonlight to shine through to create enough lighting without the need for lightbulbs to be switched on. 

You can still have lightbulbs in place for those overcast/winter nights but during the summer time you can bask in the moonlight while staying indoors. 

High-performance Halogen Light Bulbs 

There are two types of high-performance halogen light bulbs: the C-class halogen light bulb and the B-class halogen light bulb. 

The C-class halogen light bulb contains the gas xenon which reduces heat loss, and slows down the wear and tear of the filament. Whereas the B-class halogen light bulb is more efficient as they reflect infrared rays and take up less energy to heat the filament because of their spherical shape. 

They are also an easily screw-in bulb which means that they can be fitted into standard light fixtures. 

Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs 

CFLs use 65-80% less energy than incandescent light bulbs, this makes them energy-efficient and also brings down the electric bill. 

They also last longer as they are able to be used for more hours than regular light bulbs. 

LED Tube Lighting 

For people who have fluorescent tube lighting, the switch to LED tube lighting. The LED tube lighting fits into the fluorescent tube fixtures easily which is cost-effective as you do not need to make a complete change other than replace the light bulbs. 

LED tube lights last longer than fluorescent bulbs which means that you won’t have to replace these ones as often as the fluorescent ones. 

They also draw less electricity so that they are energy-efficient as well. 

CMH Lighting 

Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) is a metal halide lamp. They are energy-efficient and give off a natural color which lights as natural lighting would. 

Typically they are used for street lights, shops and grow lighting in farm areas but can also be used within other spaces. 

They also do not dim despite being used frequently which makes it a better option then using gas lamps.  


Candles are soft lighting options and not just the romantic kind. They are also a natural form of lighting and are less harmful to you than fluorescent lights. 

If you do not need alot of lighting, for example to read a book then light a candle and enough the calming effect that it brings with it.  


There are various types of light sources that can be used as an alternative to the regular lightbulb. 

Some of these alternatives can be used at the same time, or in the same space to help reduce the amount of electricity that is being used or the amount of money spent for electricity usage. 

It is important to always check the area which you want to light up to make sure you find the best sustainable alternative lighting source so that you do not waste unnecessary resources or struggle to make it work. 

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