How to Text a GIF on an Android or iPhone

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On iOS, send GIFs.

GIFs are humorous visual aids that can help you express your feelings or sentiments, or they can just be goofy or enjoyable means of communication. It couldn’t be simpler to text GIFs using an iPhone (or any iOS device). The Messages app from Apple has a GIF capability, making it simple to choose and send the ideal GIF.

  • Launch the messaging app.
  • In the top-right corner, tap the Write icon (a square holding a pencil).
  • The name of the person you wish to message should be entered.
  • On the left, tap the triangle-shaped App drawer button.
  • On the bottom, click the #images button (the magnifying glass).
  • Put in your word for a GIF search
  • The GIF you want to send is tapable.
  • Click the Send (up arrow) button.

You don’t have iOS’s Images Button?

If the #images button is missing from your app drawer, use these instructions to install it:

  • Select the triangle-shaped app drawer icon.
  • On the app drawer, swipe left and press the More icon.
  • To add the #images app, tap Edit and then the plus sign (+).

For a larger range of content, you may also download and send GIFs from third-party apps through the App Store.

Use Android to send GIFs.

You have a few alternatives for messaging GIFs with Android devices. The built-in Messages app is quite similar to the Messages app on the iPhone. Unless otherwise specified, the following instructions are compatible with Android Oreo and newer.

Add a GIF From a Messaging App

The first technique operates straight from your messaging program.

If the Apps drawer is not already open, open it now.

  • Enable Messages.
  • At the bottom of the screen, tap the text bubble icon.
  • The name of the person you wish to text should be entered.
  • Choosing the Start button.
  • By tapping the smiling icon in the text entry area, you can choose the built-in GIF.
  • You’ll have the choice of browsing stickers or GIFs.
  • Or, you may press the search button to look for a certain GIF.
  • You can type any desired text and then swipe to find a GIF.
  • To select a GIF, tap it.
  • Click the Send button (which resembles a triangle or a paper airplane).

Please take note that depending on the brand and operating system of your Android phone, these commands may vary.

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