Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Articles by

Damaris Wataka

How Technology Can Help Improve your Retail Business

Maximum profits, customer satisfaction, and market relevance, are just few examples of the many goals you may...

How Technology Has Improved Customers Shopping Experience

We become perpetual consumers from the day we start breathing. While we can self-generate some of the...

How to Manage Your Time Better With Simple Apps on Your Phone

Time management is important for anyone, adult or child. It helps one practice organization and discipline in...

How to Acquaint Yourself with a New City Using Technology

You have moved to a new city. You do not have family and friends there to help...

How to Avoid Being a Victim of Online Fraud

Whether it is to purchase goods or services, or apply for a job, one can easily become...

How to Ensure a Healthy Relationship between Your Children and Tech

Being a parent in the 21st Century can be hard especially when it comes to technology. Tech...

How to Deal with Cyberbullying

Technology presented us with easy ways of communication. From emails, to instant text messaging, and even social...

4 Tech Related Mistakes to Avoid in Your Relationship

It is impossible to banish technology from adult human relationships. Even with discipline and commitment, technology will...