Call them Bigwigs as #KOT calls them, here are the top 5 tweeps worth following for informative, educative tech stuff in Kenya.
@WhiteAfrican, Erik Hersman
He’s the Co-founder of famous crowd sourcing platform, Ushahidi and Kenya’s iHub business incubation center and Co-founder Savannah Fund with investments in SafariDesk, biNU and He blogs at AfriGadget and WhiteAfrican. The Senior TED and PopTech Fellow tweets about the impact and application of technology in Africa and globally.
Follow @WhiteAfrican
@MartinGicheru, Martin Gicheru
He’s the brain behind @Techweez, a top African gadgets review blog, kind of our own Engadget.
He is a co-founder of Infoken Solutions, a web hosting and domains’ reseller. He’s a respected technology blogger and a web entrepreneur who loves to cover new technology. He is one of Kenya top bloggers and gadget’s guy. He loves mobile tech and is the Ninja at Techweez , you can follow @TechWeez for latest gadget reviews and tech news.
@RobertAlai, Robert Onyango Alai
The certified screamer and top Kenyan techie, all round blogger and local’s rights activist is worth following. He’s the founder and chief blogger for @techmtaa which is also among the best tech blogs in Africa worth bookmarking.
He is currently a columnist at Standard Group’s Nairobian. Follow him or @Techmtaa
Founder of , tech analyst and techprenuer, Kennedy Kachwanya has run several tech companies and is into consultation services and a gadget’s guy.
For interesting tech stuff follow @kachwanya and or ask him anything on startups.
He is the current chair of BAKE, the association of bloggers in Kenya.
@AfroMusing, Juliana Rotich. She is an engineer, Ushahidi Co-founder, iHub co-founder, Google Africa advisor and a TED fellow. Juliana is one of the most respected ladies in tech in Africa and she’s the Marissa Mayer of Africa in my opinion. She blogs at, a role model for ladies to follow her footsteps of success. She currently into green energy research and I can’t be surprised if she launches a revolutionary product soon.
Startup founders and developers can get some wisdom from her tweets and retweets.