Kenyan Launches World’s First GUI Based Software Development Kit

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liquidtechnologyA Kenyan software developer has launched the world’s first  graphical interface based software development kit enabling one to develop applications or softwares without writing program code.

George King’ori, a  Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Pure Mathematics and Computer Science graduate told TechMoran, ”  Liquid Systems Technology is a software development technology that enables one to easily create any form of business management software using graphical and not programming languages.”

King’ori added that no programming or data base skills are needed to develop liquid software as it uses a Graphical Interface based developer environment.”

According to him, the technology is a combination of several platforms;  (developer, cloud, user platforms) that enable one to develop ,deploy and support clients on this network.


He said that Liquid technology simulates a computer hardware environment to create and modify software at runtime using modifiable and reusable graphical resources and algorithm making software development an instant and time saving endeavor.

Tired with software development technologies that took months to deliver, King’ori said he has worked on Liquid system technology for four years and finally launched it ten days ago.

“Most clients don’t understand software modifications and several of them become negative when a project takes months to implement. The Liquid SDK will help developers serve their clients quickly and appropriately,” he said.

Business software is also costly and takes time to develop, King’ori therefore wanted something affordable and easier to use and modify by both developers and clients.

“We want to make sure developers can quickly develop business management software in less than two hours, and even make it possible for just anyone without programming or database skills to develop their software,” he said.

He also added that Liquid Technologies will make it possible for firms to automated their businesses easily and also access software through affordable subscription rates through their centralized marketplace. The system will also allow developers to share projects with other developers without the fear of sharing the source code.


Arguing that Liquid Systems Technology is the world’s first Graphical User Interface (GUI) based software development technology, King’ori asked developers to try it to create any form of business management software using it, without the need to write program code.

Developer Desktop Environment called Liquid SDK, Client Desktop Environment called Liquid Client/User Platform, Liquid Online Platform (for both developers and clients to access and manage their projects) and Liquid Tablet Platform that enables developers and clients to access their projects on tablet devices.)

The Liquid SDK enables the developers to use a Graphical Interface (drag and drop) to; Build Software Interface, Data input (forms) and output(reports and analysis) creation, formula generation and modifications, data validation and formatting. The SDK handles database management(Create/Write, Edit,Delete) in the background and so the developer does not need to have database skills.

Liquid Developer Kits, Liquid Central Servers and Liquid Client Platforms collaborate to ensure that all Liquid resources and software are used by valid (subscribed) developers and clients. After development, Liquid Software can be accessed on annual subscription plans instead of a one time license fee.

One of the sample Liquid Software created is available here for download[Download the Hotelex.

For final projects, developers can sell their software on the Liquid Market Place.

For more information contact King’

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