Tribute To Idd Salim | Kenyan Coder, No-nonsense Blogger & Dear Friend

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salim-iddTechMoran has known Idd Salim for long, he was a fantastic guy.

We loved his sanity, and devotion to work and God. We admired his guts. He was the blogger we always wanted to become-writing and speaking and tweeting without fear or favour.

We once met him behind the iHub Cluster late last year and loved his skills and met him at events and in hubs coding all night. He was fantastic and we liked his personality, but his journey has come to an end.

The Kenyan born, bred and hardened IT professional,  Unix (FreeBSD) and Linux (Debian) systems admin and concepts creator passed on  last night St. Marys Hospital, Nairobi after a chest complication.

The passing on of the thinker, open-source evangelist and IT Security Consultant has left a gap among Kenyan tech community, who have lost a brother and a friend. And before he is laid to rest today at Nairobi’s Kariokor Cemetery, TechMoran would like to pass their condolences to friends and family and the entire Nairobi tech community, we shall all dearly miss him.

In one of his coding sessions through the night, Idd told TechMoran he was “working on something amazing, what we had never seen before.” We shall all wait till light shines again. Strangely, as if he knew it all, Idd’s Twitter handle had Disappearance Act.

May God rest his soul in eternal piece.


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