Tunisia’s JomaaMeter.org Launches to Watch the New Government’s Performance

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Tunisian I watch, an anti-corruption watchdog has unveiled Jomaa Meter,  an initiative aimed at exposing the performance of the newly appointed government of Mehdi.

This initiative has made 29 assurances which are made by Jomaa, which includes things like organizing free and fair elections, issuing a complementary budget law, guaranteeing the neutrality of public administration, and job creation.

Mehdi Jomaa’s government took office last week, after its approval by the National Constituent Assembly. It came to replace the Ennahdha-led government of Ali Laarayedh, and it will lead the country until new elections expected to occur this year.

Jomaa listed the economy, the security situation, elections, and the appointment of neutral and competent local governors among the priorities of his government.

The initiative was warmly welcomed by  Tunisians on various social media sites.

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