Google Trains Easy Taxi Drivers in Nigeria on Use of Google Maps

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taxiIn response to the high level of illiteracy amongst Lagos drivers on the use of maps and GPS, Easy Taxi Nigeria, a Rocket Internet-backed taxi hailing startup, has decided to invite personnel from Google Nigeria to train the drivers on the use and importance of Google map and Global Positioning System GPS.

Easy Taxi recognizes the importance of maps for navigation and for tracking and safety of both the driver and the passengers. According to the CEO of Easy Taxi Nigeria, Bankole Cardoso, Easy Taxi drivers can now compete with international drivers who are more informed on the use of Google map while Easy Taxi, Community Manager, Miss Rita Achebe said ‘with the training Easy Taxi Nigeria drivers have received today, they will be able to get to their clients faster and easier which will reduce our clients waiting time.

During a slide show presentation on the correct way to search for a location in Lagos, Mr. Adepoju encouraged the drivers to embrace the use of Google map as it would not only allow them know the best and fastest route to their destination which will make getting to their clients easier but also the distance from their point to the clients location.

Easy taxi drivers will also work with Google to chart all areas of Lagos that are blank to eventually create a more accurate Google map of Lagos State to show they have learnt something from the forums.

Speaking on the forum, Mr. Okoya Cosmas, one of the Easy Taxi drivers said that since he joined Easy Taxi Nigeria over 8 months ago, he has improved the way he delivers services to his clients and that with what he had learnt during the lecture; he will be able to meet his client’s demands more readily.

Easy Taxi is a taxi service that operates through the use of a mobile app to connect independent drivers registered to the Easy Taxi network with passengers in a smooth, easy and safe way. Easy Taxi began operations in Nigeria in July 2013.



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