W.TEC Girl’s Technology Camp 2014 Is Open for Applications

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The Women’s Technological Empowerment Centre (W.TEC) is currently accepting applications for its annual girls technology camp.


The camp is a 2-week technology education and mentoring programme aimed at helping girls develop an early interest in computers and other information technology. and in the long run increasing the numbers of Nigerian women using technology productively for learning, professional and leadership activities.

 During the 2 week programme the participating girls will;

  • Be introduced to programming concepts using Scratch and the Raspberry Pi
  • Design and programme mobile apps using MIT’s App Inventor
  • Learn about the business strategies of software development
  • Assemble computer systems
  • Understand and write HTML code
  • Produce and edit a film using Adobe Premier
  • Create blogs and digital multimedia content
  • Learn photography and editing principles


Format: Residential Camp (The girls will stay at the camp venue for the duration of the programme)

Date: August 3 – 16, 2014

Length: 2 Weeks

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

If you are interested you can register HERE


For more information;



Email: info@w-teconline.org

W.TEC 2014 Video

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