New Social Advertising Network to be launched

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A new social video advertising network called Skits seeks to reward users for attracting customers to view videos of favorite brands.

Skits’s new strategy allows brands to engage customers by rewarding them with mobile airtime to view targeted video ads.

To Skits, marketing is fundamental in any kind of set-up or business. This explains why companies pay PR agencies a lot of money for branding and marketing. Skits however believes that the best kind of marketing is when it is user-generated, to be precise, by word of mouth.

Consumer who feel inspired by the ads and want to earn more rewards can continue presenting his 15-second creative video that supports his favorite brand. If it is good enough, the brand is published on Skits. This implies that contents on the Skits network will be user-generated.

The concept Skits employs was first conceived in 2013 and has been evolving over the last one year.

Skits will be launched in September 2014.

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