Introducing Kenya’s Revision844 |New Digital Revision Platform

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bg-image-landingpageThough based in London, Andrew Mugoya, Asilia’s Technical Director knows the 8:4:4 system pretty well and he knows that exam time is around the corner.
With exams around the corner, students all over the country are busy revising for their KCPE and KCSE. Many will be revising with the traditional tools of pen, paper and books. Some, however, will have gone digital and unlocked the numerous benefits of having an interactive revision experience.
Mugoya and his Asilia team, (for starters, Asilia is an international creative agency with offices in London and Nairobi) is launching Revision844 ( Revision844 is an interactive digital platform for revising the 8-4-4 curriculum. Working with teachers from some of top schools in Kenya, we are able to combine quality content with the latest in web/app technology to give students an exceptional learning experience.
With Revision844, users are able to select the class, subject or topic they would like to revise. Access quality questions and study notes, each with informative tips to help them better understand the subject or topic. Track their progress and performance, access their account via the web or the mobile apps (Android and iOS) and get pointers to help them with challenging subjects or topics.
Asilia is a creative agency founded by two Kenyans originally living in London. It has offices in Nairobi and London and has worked with clients from all over the world including The Royal African Society (UK), African Union and Pepsi (Middle East). Asilia is also responsible for Jijini Markets, Kenya’s first and only banking and insurance aggregation and comparison site.

We developed Revision844 as we believe in the power of education in transforming society,” Mugoya says. “Recognising that not all students have access to good learning facilities or opportunities, we have partnered with The Kusoma Tu Trust ( in promoting literacy in schools. Kusoma Tu Trust was established in 2009 to respond to the needs of children in Kawangware primary school who were completing primary school and had not learnt how to read.”

Asilia has pledged a portion of the revenues from Revision844 towards supporting the work of The Kusoma Tu Trust. The firm says Revision844 will be available via web (desktop and mobile) as well as mobile apps (Android and iOS) and will be sold for as little as KES 100 for 1 day’s access to KES 1,000 for 3 month’s access. Other prices include KES 250 for 1 week’s access and KES 500 for 1 month’s access.
At the moment, Revision844 only includes some subjects for Standard 8 but we will be rolling out more content in the next few weeks (for Class 8) and months (for other classes).
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