CEO Weekends: How to Use BBC WhatsApp Ebola Service

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140220-whatsapp-1130_f1ad58640061b54ae26e0796b876c3c6The BBC recently launched an English and French Ebola public health information service on WhatsApp for West Africa aimed at providing audio, text message alerts and images to inform users and help combat Ebola in the region.

According to BBC, to subscribe to the service, send ‘JOIN‘ via WhatsApp to +44 7702 348 651 and wait for the firm to confirm if you’ve been added. To be removed from the chat app, send ‘STOP’ via WhatsApp to the same number.

BBC says the service is now the biggest “chat app” in use in Africa and is helping reach out to mobile users in the epiddemic hit West Africa.

BBC will also be giving highlights on its social media accounts:



On Facebook:

Or  on the BBC News website,

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