The Commonwealth Digital Broadcasting Forum 2015 To Be In Joburg

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The Commonwealth Digital Broadcasting Switchover Forum 2015 titled “Embracing the Digital Future” will take place on 17 – 19 February 2015 at the Indaba Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Be part of the ultimate Commonwealth discussion on digital broadcasting switchover in advance of the 17 June 2015 deadline for Region 1:  Countries’ progress, success stories, failures and key lessons, legal challenges, innovative economic models and future growth paths, by leading government officials and industry executives discussing:

  • Infrastructure      options and sustainable market models
  • Enabling      regulatory environments for DTT
  • Multi-screen      content delivery and impact on data networks
  • Triple-play,      quad-play, and opportunities for broadcasters
  • Investing      in Africa’s broadcasting industry – Strategic considerations

What they’ve said of the previous event…

“The event was an opportunity for broadcasters in the industry to share experiences.”
Kyeyune Helen, Head, Telecom & Broadcasting, UCC

“Very well-organised event with content and resource persons of repute.”
Phaza Butale, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Botswana

“The event reached my expectations, and I would like to congratulate the host country, sponsors, speakers, support staff and all participants.”
Isidoro Pedro Silva, Chairman, INCM, Mozambique

Register before the 16th January 2015 and receive 20 percent off our standard delegate registration fees.

For more information visit or email us at

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