New Facebook Groups feature to Improve the Way People Buy and Sell

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With the advent of the New Year, Facebook has been busy from launching free internet in Ghana and India to introducing a new super bowl experience and place tips in News feeds and now the company has shifted its attention to entrepreneurs.

The social media giant has introduced new features to For a Sale Groups with a view of improving buying and selling with members now being able to choose the Sell feature when creating a post.

“You can add a description to what you’re selling, include a price and set a pick-up/delivery location. Sellers can also mark posts as Available or Sold and easily view their catalog of items previously sold.”“We will continue to introduce new features in the coming months to help people in the For Sale Group community easily connect, browse and search,” said Facebook on their blog.

FACEBOOKThese new features will roll out to all Facebook For Sale Groups in the coming months across iOS, Android and web. Facebook Group admins who would like to participate now can nominate their Group.




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