Like taxi hailing apps launching everyday, Kenya’s on-demand cleaning industry may be on take off with the launch of the fourth app-based cleaning firm Heloclean, less than month after SafiSafi and PataMboch went live.
Speaking to TechMoran, Okii Eli of Heloclean said the firm is set to help Nairobi residents book a professional cleaner for their office or home, party venue, apartment or laundry for as low as Ksh 300 ($3)/hr.
“We are dedicated to providing you with trusted and reliable house cleaners. We have well trained cleaners whose background we have thoroughly vetted, ready for the job,” Eli told TechMoran.
Apart from background and identity checked professionals, the firm is promising 100% money-back guarantee, friendly 24/7 customer service and Ksh 300 off your first order. The firm says its price stands at Ksh. 200/hr and already 300 professional cleaners have been signed up on the platform and fulfilling orders.
Heloclean says that it provides the cleaning materials in case one doesn’t have them.
On competition Eli says the Kenyan market is huge and undeserved by the existing companies are yet to sign up even 1 percent of Nairobi County, Heloclean aims to move fast and sign up as many cleaners and users as possible as the rest study the market.