Innovation summit to take place in Nairobi in November

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Kenya has been known to be a country that has many academicians and with the power of education we have managed to do so much. But getting a degree is not enough anymore. It has been noted that there are many innovative Kenyan people that were lagging behind because they lacked support. Recently there have been different organizations that have been supporting entrepreneurs as long as they have the right plan. This is why on the 4 and 5th in November; the African summit on entrepreneurship and innovation (ASENTI) will be held in Nairobi, Kenya at the United State International University of Africa (USIU).  This will allow Kenyan entrepreneurs to meet stakeholders who will guide the businesspersons.

The event will have a number of panels and breakout sessions, and will have up to 800 delegates and 40 speakers from across Africa. This event is meant to empower the young people especially when it comes to social innovation, film, green energy, agribusiness, finance, media, science, mobile technology as well as intellectual property.  30 startups will be selected for training in strategic planning, digital marketing, branding and pitching. This will be a three- day startup campus accelerator for the startups for training.  Out of the 30 startups, 10 will be selected to pitch in the presence of potential investors at the summit. The best pitches will be rewarded with prizes including free business mentorship.

ASENTI’S goal is to see Africa’s people flourishing and their lives holistically transformed through innovative mindset, well established government policies and economic empowerment for better living. Last year’s summit had over 250 delegates and speakers from Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Philippines, South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, USA, South Sudan and Kenya.  Through the ASENTI awards a lot of businesses were born and gained full support as a result of the summit.  This platform would have opened many doors for many businesses in East Africa that will be resourceful and creative. As many entrepreneurs lack the time and support they need to innovate in their businesses. Finally there are technology, government support and mentoring programmers that offer potential ways to address the challenge. Kenyans who have great ideas will finally manage to develop them into new business offerings and ventures.



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