PayGram is an online electronic payment utility that enables clients to electronically make and accept payments in a fast, simple, secure and convenient manner. This is done online and via the mobile phone. PayGram allows purchasers to pay for their products, both goods and services online at the same time enables sellers to accept payments from online purchases.
Additionally, PayGram allows its users to settle utility bills, fees, make donations, online and offline. Clients using PayGram are able to make payments to using M-pesa, Airtel Money, Orangemoney, Bank Payments, Mastercard & VisaCard, & Debit and Credit cards. The following are its features;
Round-the-Clock Business
With PayGram your business is able to run all time round including weekends and public holidays. Your clients are able to do their transactions without having to worry about off-business hours. This allows for efficiency and versatility of your business in the ever increasing fast-paced world today.
Accept Global payments
With PayGram, clients are able to make payments globally, using global payment cards. Clients may use Visa Card and Master Card, accept payment from anyone with a Credit or Debit card. Hence your business is able to receive global payments.
Safety, Security and Convenience
PayGram do not hold your money, on the contrary, it is held in a trust account with reputable banking partners for safe custody. This has the effect of facilitating timely settlement and reporting of transactions. We uphold the strictest data security measures to meet the PCI-DSS standards. Additionally, they are regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya and the Communication Authority of Kenya to ensure compliance with their set standards.
Notifications and Reminders
Send free Email and SMS Reminders to customers reminding them to pay free of charge.
Mobile Applications and Facebook App Add-on
Your clients are able to download PayGram Mobile App on their phones and conduct transactions from their phones. Additionally, your customers can buy goods directly from your Facebook page using the PayGram Simple selling app.
Using PayGram, you can easily and conveniently invoice your clients using online or SMS invoice service giving them options through which they can make payments.
Potential buyers and sellers can sign up here.