UrbanErrands Wants to Bring Productivity and Promote Play time for Busy Clients

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UrbanErrands, a startup based in Nigeria, is a one-stop concierge for busy people. Its initiative is to help you finish that time consuming to do list and focus on more important things.

UrbanErrands was inspired by the founder, Ifeanyichukwu Ngobili’s inability to find the time to refill a home cooking gas cylinder for more than 14 days due to the demands of his 9-5 job. At that point, he thought to myself, “shouldn’t there be an outfit which connects busy persons to unemployed persons willing to run errands to earn a living?”

He isn’t the only one. There are 25 million middle & upper class persons living in Nigeria’s commercial cities, with an average upper & middle class family in Nigeria employing an average of 2 domestic staff a year.

Whether you’re a busy professional, a stay-at-home parent or a world traveler, daily errands can be overwhelming, especially in a large city where fighting traffic or waiting in lines can be time consuming and frustrating. UrbanErrands can help with tasks from picking up your dry cleaning to waiting for the cable guy while you’re at work.

Born out of passion to bring productivity and promote play time for busy clients, UrbanErrands intends to help you fix a faulty tap in the kitchen; pick up your prescription drugs; help you pack into your new home or office; or even pick up your laundry on that very busy day. Offering affordable in-door and outdoor ‘errand services’ for individuals and corporate organizations across Lagos, Nigeria.

Prior to selection, they place their potential service personnel (who they call the TaskRunners) through very stringent background and professional capacity checks and ensure that only the best persons are put on stand-by, ready to serve you. From which, the company takes a 20% commission on every task executed.

For more information click here.

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