We are all aware of the rummy game. Many fond memories have been woven over rummy games. Today, the game has come of age and has struck a chord with today’s digitally savvy generation. Online rummy game has made inroads into our entertainment landscape. It is no longer a simple card game that we enjoyed playing on a leisure afternoon or at some get-together. Today, it is a mainstream entertainment and a growing sub-sector of the online gaming industry.
Hard to believe but there are some mind-blowing facts about rummy that people have failed to take cognizance of. Have a look.
- Favourite among young gamers
Although online games are very popular among all age groups, if the statistics are any indication then over 60% of the online gamers in India is below the age group of 25 years and they know how to play Indian rummy. The major factor catalytic to this growth is the increase in the user base of smartphone users in the country. Also, India has the world’s second-largest number of smartphone users.
- Growing importance of card games
According to a 2016 NASSCOM report, 8% of the games developed in the country are casino-based card games. This data is indicative of the growing popularity of card games like online rummy among individuals and Indian families too. This development owes to the fact that online card games have made it easy to play the game anywhere you want, at any time of the day and the most important aspect perhaps is you are no longer dependent on a partner to play.
- Online rummy is a big player
According to FKCCI KPMG 2016 Report, the Indian gaming industry is expected to grow from the current INR 26.5 billion to INR 50.7 billion by the year 2020. The stupendous growth of the industry is suitably contributed by online rummy which is expected to chip in 40% to this number. The online rummy industry is posting an impressive 30-40% year-on-year growth. It goes to show that online rummy industry is a booming growth segment.
- Growing subscriber base
Online rummy portals enjoy a huge subscriber base which is growing by leaps and bounds. There are anywhere between 20,000 to 2 lakh subscribers of these online rummy portals. In addition, there are a staggering 20,000 to 30,000 users playing online rummy at any point in time. The availability of online rummy apps has also fueled the growth in user base. Today, mobiles are the preferred platform for playing online rummy.
- Big spends on marketing and advertising
As with any e-commerce player in the country, online rummy industry players too are investing highly in promoting the growth of the industry. Nearly 20-30% of their revenue is spent on advertising and marketing efforts. With impressive TVCs and innovative digital marketing activities, they are fiercely promoting their brands. The presence of many rummy industry players vying online gamers with attractive promotions and offers, it is indeed the right time for rummy lovers to enjoy the game with some really cool rewards.
Rummy has come a long way – from being a card game that you grew up playing to becoming a significant contributor to the growth of the online games industry.