4 Apps Every Woman Should Own

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People tend to assume that women don’t know how to use tech but I disagree.

Perhaps we don’t utilize our phones as much as we probably should. We get on social media and set our alarms and we think that we have done enough. While a phone is just meant to be useful and nothing more, there are many apps every woman should own just to make the daily life easier. Try these apps to help you get in touch with every part of your life.

1. The pill

The pill app is great for women who are on contraceptives and want to track their intake. Sometimes remembering to take your pill can be taxing so instead of suffering, the best thing to do is download this app and it will help you keep track of your intake.

Image result for the pill app

2. Workout for women

You must admit that sometimes going to the gym is hard and a lot of work. You can download the app and start your workout journey today. It gives you workouts for your thighs, stomach, arms and every part of your body.

Image result for workout for women app

3. Mint

Mint helps you save your money which I honestly think most women need. It will let you know where most of your money goes to plus you can plan ahead especially if you’re a spend thrift.

Image result for mint app

4. Google photos

This will save your phone storage and as women we love taking selfies and photos. Sometimes when you have too many photos your phone can become slower so all you need to do is download Google photos and save your images there.

Image result for Google photos app

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