Kenyan schools using to biometric systems ensure student safety

citizen tv
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A number of Kenyan schools have begun using high-tech biometric sign-in systems and CCTV cameras to monitor their students activity. In recent times there have been increased cases of student unrest, arson and missing pupil in many Kenyan high schools throughout the country.

State House Girls’ High School is getting ahead of this by being one of the first schools to turn to technology to ensure safety. During reporting day, the students are required to sign in using the biometric system upon arrival. The system alerts the school and the students’ parents of their whereabouts at all times. They sign out on closing days before exiting school property. Day-scholars log in every morning and logout in the evening.

Once the system scans their prints, the system sends a message to their parents alerting them as to whether their children have arrived or left the premises. “When your child leaves school at 5 pm, you can estimate the time they’ll reach although you shouldn’t be too tough as there may be traffic,” said one of the parents.

Parents also receive text messages if their child doesn’t check in within 24 hours, when their children leave school to attend extra-curricular activities or when they fall ill.

IN addition to this, the CCTV cameras installed in various parts of the school also monitor the students’ activities within the school grounds. THis makes it very easy to pick out errant students.

The biometric system is slowly gaining popularity in various Kenyan schools across the country. Lilian Muchengi of Smart Technology Limited claims the company has installed the systems in 100 schools around the country, among them Alliancee High School, Maseno School and Maranda High School.

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