6 Ways To Always Be Great At Online Dating

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Wondering how to successfully date online without any issues?

Online dating is the greatest invention the world has ever seen. Honestly, online dating is one of the greatest inventions there ever was. You browse profiles, find someone you like and start a conversation. With any luck they will like you back and you can look forward to a new life of love, romance and passionate lovemaking. However, the likelihood of finding someone you actually like online is pretty hard and sometimes you might be there but no one ever pays attention to you. Though these are some of the things you could do to make your experience a whole lot better.

1. Your profile picture 

Many online dating articles and products will try to convince you that what you write for your first message is the most important skill you will ever learn. This is true to a certain extent. For sure, what you write in your opening message and in your profile will dictate a lot of your success with online dating, but the single biggest factor is how someone responds to your profile picture.

You have to assume that a quick glance at the thumbnails is all someone is going to use to decide whether to open the message, so if your main image isn’t the single best photo you own then you are doing yourself a disservice.

2. Have an interesting profile

This isn’t a CV; you aren’t auditioning for anyone, so don’t write it like you are trying to impress. It will come across as needy, and although you may have the sexiest picture imaginable, your chances of meeting someone are virtually zero if you sound like a douche.

Don’t be afraid of telling people who you are and what you love doing. A truly attractive person is comfortable in their own skin and has the confidence to reveal their thoughts and feelings without caring what anyone else thinks.

3. What’s in your message?

First, don’t just send messages out blindly: you have to tailor the message to your goals and the person you are writing to. You don’t want to give a beautiful woman a physical compliment because it won’t have a huge effect on her. Likewise you don’t want to tease someone who comes across like they might not be the most confident person. With regards to messaging men, don’t be overly flirtatious as that can immediately set off their BS detector.

4. Check for credibility 

If you can’t see their Facebook page or if their dating profile only has 1 photo then it is okay to ask to see a few more. I personally will never meet up with anyone if I haven’t had a good look at their photos. This isn’t being shallow at all, it’s simply reducing the chances of being conned into meeting someone who is  heavier than their photo or is in any way trying to pass themselves off as better looking than they really are.

Ever dated someone online? How was it?

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